Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

Facebook just killed off Messenger Codes, which means that your marketing needs to change.

Here’s what you’ll get by reading this article:

Messenger Codes are the best way to find people in Messenger, whether you're standing side-by-side or looking at your computer screen. No matter where you are - online or at an event - all you have to do is scan a code someone shares with you, and then you can start that important conversation. Jan 29, 2021 QR codes are everywhere! Install qrcode reader app to scan QR code or to scan barcode on the go. Barcode & QR Scanner app is the only free scanner app you will ever need. Turn on the flashlight for scanning in the dark or use pinch to zoom to scan QRs far away. A Messenger Code looks more or less like a QR scan code but its functionality is quite different. With messenger code, users do not need to download a third-party app to scan it, Facebook definitely thought this one through, because most people today prefer a short and snappy solution to everything.

  1. Realize precisely what just happened at 1 Hacker Way
  2. Understand why Facebook probably did it
  3. How to respond instantly without losing any marketing power

The Bottom Line: The Facebook Messenger App will no longer scan Messenger Codes beginning August 15, 2019.

Here’s what the Facebook Developers website says:

Starting August 15 2019, The Messenger camera will no longer support scanning Messenger Codes. Instead, we recommend businesses take advantage of the phone’s native capabilities to scan QR codes with links as a lightweight, efficient solution. See more on links

Right now, your Facebook Messenger app can generate and scan Messenger Codes — a unique image that opens up a Messenger sequence.

Messenger Scan codes look like this:

If you open Messenger on your phone and scan that image, Messenger will send you a nice little message.

This is all changing.

Instead of using their proprietary Messenger Codes, Facebook is falling back on traditional (and kinda unsightly) QR codes.

Why did Facebook kill Messenger Codes?

All we can do is speculate because Facebook hasn’t come right out and explained why they made this move, but some answers seem obvious.

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes

First, most phones automatically scan QR codes. But most phones don’t automatically detect and scan Messenger Codes.

To open the Messenger scan code reader, it requires at least four taps. Who has time for four taps?!

And, honestly, not a lot of people even know about Messenger Codes.

Facebook has its own native QR reader anyway. (Who knew?) You can open it by searching for “QR reader” in the Facebook app.

In general, this move is about ease, simplicity, and giving in to what’s already standard — QR codes.

Besides, since Messenger, WhatsApp, and Instagram messaging are being integrated, it makes sense to ditch a proprietary scan feature of just one of those apps.

Facebook themselves admitted, “QR codes with links [are] a lightweight, efficient solution.”

In other words, QR codes are way simpler and efficient.

So, au revoir Scan codes and bonjour QR codes.

What has Facebook killed in the past?

Facebook has been killing off features like characters in Game of Thrones.

But it’s not just features they’re killing off. They’re ditching people, too! (Not killing them, of course, just firing them. Seriously.)

It was like executive suite musical chairs on “Ugly Tuesday” (March 2019) when legends like Chris Cox and Chris Daniels boxed up their family pictures and hit the door.

But features, unlike people, are morally acceptable to kill with a developer’s flip of a switch. And they have to go.

What else has Facebook thrown out the window?

Messenger number code
  • Poking
  • And, OMG, super poking
  • Virtual gifts
  • The Wall
  • [Name is…] posting style
  • Facebook Camera
  • Trending News, which, let’s be honest, fake news was kind of a problem
  • Using “Notes” for long posts.
  • “Looking for” relationship status. This isn’t Tinder.
  • The Honesty Box, which was honestly kind of creepy
  • Beacon, which ended up being a total holiday-gift-spoiler-alert fail
  • Facebook Questions
  • Peer 2 Peer payment

I’ve also shared that Facebook is going to put a fork in the News Feed.

Features come and features go.

This kind of thing happens, folks. And when it does, it’s up to ahead-of-the-curve Messenger marketers like us to decide the correct course of action.

Let me throw in my ten cents of prognostication.

Facebook is gearing up to make Messenger the star of the show.

Zuck himself said it. His vision of Facebook’s future is messaging!

And who stands to win in this Facebook plot twist? Businesses do. Business Pages can use Messenger chatbots, and that’s where scalable and ultra-powerful marketing moves are made.

So, what do we do in the case of the disappearing Messenger scan codes?

Messenger Marketing and Scan Codes: What you need to do

There’s absolutely no reason to lose it over the departure of scan codes.

We still have powerful chatbots. And we have QR codes. And by combining the two, we’re still at 100% Facebook Messenger marketing unicorn power.

Every Messenger sequence you create has a unique Messenger URL. When you send people to that URL — using a QR code of course — you can accomplish the same thing as a Messenger code.

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Roblox

And there’s an upside: More people are likely to scan a QR code than a Messenger code.

Let me give you an example.

The URL for MobileMonkey in Messenger is this:

Pro tip: The URL for any individual and Facebook Business Page is PLUS their name or Business name followed by a forward slash

So, for me, Larry Kim, it’s

For Facebook Messenger, it’s

I can take my Messenger URL and paste it into a QR code creator. For this example, I’ll use

Open the QR code creator of your choice, and paste in your Messenger URL.

Next, I’ll generate the code image. I click “Create QR code” in the generator tool above, and here’s what I get:

I went ahead and scanned that code with my iPhone’s native camera. Not to go all Inception on you, but here’s what it looks like:

Since I also have Messenger installed on my phone (who doesn’t?), it gives me the option to open that Messenger link in the Messenger app.

And, when I do that, boom, the bot sequence begins.

Messenger Scan codes are dead, but who cares?

Like I mentioned, there’s zero reason for panic and hysteria in the streets.

Yes, the Messenger scan codes are about to kick the bucket, but we’re not losing marketing power.

Every Messenger sequence has its own URL, and every URL can be turned into a QR code.

As long as you’re creating chatbots, you have all you need for high-octane unicorn power marketing with Facebook Messenger.

Originally Published on

QR Code is a neat feature that's fun to use and can potentially bring lots of contacts to your bot. To create new QR Code Growth Tool, head to the Growth Tools tab and click '+New Growth Tool' button in the upper right corner - you'll see the full list of available Growth Tools where you should click 'QR Code' icon:

You will see two tabs inside your newly created Growth Tool then - 'Opt-In Actions' and 'QR Code':

- 'Opt-In Actions' is the tab where you can set up the Opt-In Message for this Growth Tool - just click 'Edit' button to enter editing mode, set up your Opt-In Message carefully and then click 'Publish' button in the upper right corner to save changes and to make sure it gets sent to users as soon as they scan the code.

- 'QR Code' is the tab where the code itself gets generated as soon as you click this tab:

As you can see on the screenshot, the image size can be adjusted here (100-2000px), you can add your logo which will be displayed in the middle of the code, remove the background behind the logo, change the code's background and foreground color, and you can also download the code to your device in .png format. Make sure to click the 'Draft-Active' toggle switch in the upper right corner of the Growth Tool to activate it.

QR Codes are great for sticking on fliers, ads, or anywhere in the real world where you want people to try your bot. They can be scanned with QR Code scanning apps or with default Camera apps on certain smartphones to instantly link the user to your bot - no typing needed. For example, the user sees this post on your FB Page:

Once the code is captured, a Messenger app opens and new users see the 'Get Started' button which should be clicked to become a subscribed contact and receive information from your bot, starting with this Growth Tool's Opt-In Message.

Note: users who had already subscribed to your bot previously will not see the 'Get Started' message, receiving the Opt-In message right away instead.

QR Code Growth Tool used to be the Messenger Code Growth Tool for 2 years since 2017 - the steps to create the Messenger Code GT were exactly the same, and the code itself looked like this:

As of November 4th, 2019 Messenger Codes are still supported by Facebook, so if you have created Messenger Code Growth Tools previously, they might work correctly for a certain period of time. However, please keep in mind that Facebook has plans to discontinue the feature completely soon (no ETA for now ?), that is why we have switched to QR Codes proactively. If any of your campaigns rely on scanning Messenger Codes, we strongly recommend updating to QR Codes to make sure the interaction with your bot goes uninterrupted.

To scan a Messenger Code, users have to do the following (official Facebook instruction):

  1. Open the Messenger app and Activate the Messenger camera.
  2. Press and hold in the viewfinder. A circle will appear.
  3. Center the Messenger Code in the circle - Messenger will automatically scan the code.

Also, please note that each QR Code is unique and it will not be possible to recover a deleted Growth Tool with an already existing code - so, please, be especially cautious when deleting such Growth Tools.

1. In case you cannot scan the QR Code successfully, please check the following:

a. Make sure your QR Code Growth Tool is enabled;

b. Avoid applying color filters or photo effects to the code in any photo editors;

c. Make sure the code that is printed on a pamphlet or a business card is not damaged.

2. If your QR Code isn't sending the Opt-in message, first make sure that your widget is active.
If it is, please click 'Refresh Permissions' button (find it in 'Settings' => 'General' in your ManyChat account). You need to have the 'Admin' Page Role in ManyChat and on Facebook to do that.
Also, head to the Growth tools tab and check the list of Authorized Websites. Make sure that you have ManyChat listed there, and if not - please make sure to add it.

Please, make sure that all changes are saved before using the Growth Tool: click 'Edit Flow' and then 'Publish' - this will save and update your Opt-In message. After that, re-activate your Growth Tool.

The most common reason why your Opt-in Message isn't getting sent is that ManyChat is not owning a conversation on Facebook. This is controlled by the Handover Protocol: it is a protocol of passing control of user conversations to the LiveChat apps based on their Receiver Role. In order for ManyChat to render all messages with 100% accuracy, you have to set up your Handover Protocol.

To enable Handover Protocol: head to your Facebook Page's Settings => Messenger Platform => App Settings => Configure, assign the 'Primary Receiver' role to ManyChat and the 'Secondary Receiver' role to other apps. To activate the Handover Protocol properly, it is required for a Page to have one app with the 'Primary Receiver' role.

You can find all information about this in our article here: Handover Protocol.

Hopefully, QR Code Growth Tool helps you grow your audience even more!

Scan Code Editor For Messenger Codes Free

Facebook Messenger Scan Code