Neodymium Magnets

Small and Large Neodymium Magnets

Neodymium magnets are among the most powerful permanent magnets. Grade N52 Neodymium magnet was used in this experiment. 5mm neodymium magnets ballsMaterial: 1. Sintered Neodymium-Iron-Boron 3. Neodymium magnet, NdFeB magnet, permanent magnet, Rare earth magnet Shape: Ring.

Strongest neodymium magnets for sale

Neodymium magnets offer a cost-efficient and effective solution for a wide variety of applications. These magnets are the choice for many industries such as packaging, marketing, and manufacturing. Our range of Neodymium magnetic strips offers a great deal of strength in a small size, which makes them perfect when working with applications with size constraints.

Our collection of small and large Neodymium magnets are susceptible to demagnetization at elevated temperatures. We will work with you to understand the operating parameters and whether a Neodymium magnet or other one constructed of another material is best suited for your needs.

The powerful nature of these magnets requires careful handling - small magnets can shatter when allowed to attract one another from a distance and large magnets can cause pain or even bodily injury when not handled properly.

No order is too big or small for us; if you are looking for neodymium magnets for sale in wholesale, feel free to seek a quote by filling the form in the top-right corner of the page.

Standard Configurations


Discs are round or cylindricalNeos and generally are identified by the diameter first then the height of the disc. So a magnet labeled as 0.500” x 0.125” is a 0.500” diameter by 0.125” tall disc. Unless specified otherwise, these magnets are magnetized through the thickness.


Rings are round Neos that have a hole in the center. These Neodymium magnets that are available for sale will require three dimensions, an outside diameter, and an inside diameter and thickness. Unless specified otherwise, these magnets are magnetized through the thickness.

Neodymium Magnets N45


Neo blocks are rectangular or square with a variety of size options. These will require three measurements: length, width, and thickness. Unless specified otherwise, these magnets are magnetized through the thickness.

Looking for neodymium magnets for sale? Our Engineering staff is ready to help you with any questions you may have.


Neodymium is a ferromagnetic metal, meaning it is easily magnetized at a cost-effective price point. Out of all permanent magnets, Neodymium is the most powerful, and it has more lift for its size than samarium cobalt and ceramic magnets. Compared to other rare earth magnets such as samarium cobalt, big Neodymium magnets are also more affordable and resilient.

Neodymium has the greatest power-to-weight ratio and a high resistance to demagnetization when used and stored at the correct temperatures.

Neodymium magnets ebay


Neodymium is a popular magnet of choice for products and industries such as:


Automotive motors, power steering systems, micromotors and electronic systems all use Neodymium to function correctly. Large Neodymium magnets are a staple of the automotive industry since this material has such high lift power.


Neodymium is used in many hard disc drives, with most models containing several rare earth magnets. Magnetism is the mechanism used to store information on disc drives, and the surface of every disc is coated in billions to trillions of tiny magnets that hold data. Hard drives read and store information on reliable magnetic systems, which is why exposure to unexpected magnetic fields can interrupt and harm electronic performance.

Aside from hard drives, Neodymium is found in computer speakers, monitors and cooling fans. Without Neodymium, there is no computer industry.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) uses Neodymium magnets to identify and diagnose illnesses such as migraines, arthritis, cancer, insomnia and chronic pain. In addition to its use in imaging technology, Neodymium can be used to improve muscular toning and is used by NASA during space flights. Neodymium is also used in orthodontic treatment for realignment of the teeth and palatal expansion.


Magnetic advertising is a cost-effective way to regularly change out advertisements without risking damage to surfaces. Neodymium magnets are used to hang advertisements inside stores and facilitate easy price changing. Through magnetic advertising, companies can reduce costs by creating advertisements and pricing signs that can be swapped out.

In addition to its roles in the automotive, computer, medical and marketing industries, Neodymium is used in the following products:

  • Audio equipment
  • Cordless power tools
  • Door catches
  • Electric engines
  • Generators
  • Home improvement
  • Jewelry
  • Magnetic separators

Many of us interact with Neodymium products every day and don't even know it. In addition to being used in magnets, Neodymium is frequently employed in glass production. Some of its everyday nonmagnetic uses include colored glass, protective glass and light bulbs.

Neodymium Grade Charts

Neodymium Magnets Strength Rating

Popular Sizes of Neodymium Magnets

Disc magnets below are Nickel Plated Grade 35.

SkuDia. x Thick

Pull Force

0.125' x 0.125'0.6Online Store
0.125' x 0.250'0.7Online Store
0.250' x 0.125'1.9Online Store
0.250' x 0.187'2.5Call For Price & Availability
0.250' x 0.250'2.8Online Store
0.250' x 0.500'3.2Online Store
0.375' x 0.060' A1.8Online Store
0.375' x 0.060'1.8Online Store
0.375' x 0.125'3.7Online Store
0.375' x 0.187'4.8Call For Price & Availability
0.375' x 0.250'5.7Online Store
0.375' x 0.375'6.6Online Store
0.375' x 0.500'7.1Call For Price & Availability
0.500' x 0.060' A2.5Online Store
0.500' x 0.060'2.5Online Store
0.500' x 0.125'5.4Online Store
0.500' x 0.187'7.6Call For Price & Availablity
0.500' x 0.250'9.1Online Store
0.500' x 0.375'11.2Online Store
0.500' x 0.500'12.2Online Store
0.750' x 0.125'8.1Online Store
0.750' x 0.250'15.7Online Store
0.750' x 0.375'20.0Online Store
1.000' x 0.187'16.6Call For Price & Availablity
1.000' x 0.250'22.7Online Store
1.000' x 0.375'31.4Call For Price & Availablity
1.000' x 0.500'36.7Call For Price & Availablity
1.000' x 0.750'46.1

Call For Price & Availablity


Neodymium was first discovered in 1885, but it took almost a century for Neodymium magnets to be invented in 1982. Each magnet is made from pure metal alloys of Neodymium, boron and iron that have been melted or pressed together under high pressure. Melted Neodymium makes a sintered magnet, and the substance can also be produced in a powdered bonded form.

Since the end of the 20th century, Neodymium has been instrumental in miniaturizing many electronics, such as cellphones, microphones, instruments and speakers. Today, Neodymium is used in everything from cars to doors to advertising, making it essential to find a reliable source of Neodymium magnets for sale to support production processes.

To learn more about Rochester Magnet's large rare earth magnets or other products, reach out online to ask questions or request a quote.

SHAPE: DiscNeodymium
DIMENSIONS: 1' outside diameter x 1/8' thick
A neodymium magnet (also known as NeodymiumNdFeB, NIB or Neo magnet), the most widely used[1] type of rare-earth magnet, is a permanent magnet made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron to form the Nd2Fe14B tetragonal crystalline structure. Developed in 1982 by General Motors and Sumitomo Special Metals, neodymium magnets are the strongest type of permanent magnet commercially available. They have replaced other types of magnets in the many applications in modern products that require strong permanent magnets, such as motors in cordless tools, hard disk drives and magnetic fasteners.
The tetragonal Nd2Fe14B crystal structure has exceptionally high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy (HA~7 teslas – magnetic field strength H in A/m versus magnetic moment in A.m2).[4] This gives the compound the potential to have high coercivity (i.e., resistance to being demagnetized). The compound also has a high saturation magnetization (Js ~1.6 T or 16 kG) and typically 1.3 teslas. Therefore, as the maximum energy density is proportional to Js2, this magnetic phase has the potential for storing large amounts of magnetic energy (BHmax ~ 512 kJ/m3 or 64 MG·Oe). This magnetic energy value is about 18 times greater than 'ordinary' magnets by volume. This property is considerably higher in NdFeB alloys than in samarium cobalt (SmCo) magnets, which were the first type of rare-earth magnet to be commercialized. In practice, the magnetic properties of neodymium magnets depend on the alloy composition, microstructure, and manufacturing technique employed.
Neodymium magnets are a type of rare earth magnet. They are the strongest rare earth magnets and can be very dangerous if handled improperly. They are often referred to as rare earth magnets because they belong to the rare earth elements on the periodic table. But they are not the same as rare earth magnets. There are different types of rare earth magnets and Neodymium magnets are just one type. Neodymium magnets are the strongest permanent magnets available today.

Neodymium magnets are also known as Neodymium-Iron-Boron or Nd-Fe-B or NIB super magnets since they are composed of these elements. These magnets are extremely strong for their small size and are metallic in appearance.


  1. The simplest way is to use another Neodymium magnet that is already marked. By virtue of magnetic properties, the North Pole of the marked magnet will attract the North Pole of the unmarked Neodymium magnet and repel the South Pole.
  2. Take a compass and bring it close to the Neodymium magnet you want to mark. The North Pole of the compass will be attracted to the South Pole of the Neodymium magnet and repelled by the North Pole.
  3. Take a magnet and dangle it by a string so that it is freely rotating. The North Pole of the magnet will be the one that points north.


  • Neodymium magnets are very strong permanent magnets. In fact they are the strongest of all rare earth magnets and also the strongest permanent magnets that exist today.
  • Neodymium magnets have a very high resistance to demagnetization. This makes them very useful in many different kinds of industrial applications.
  • Even small sized Neodymium magnets have a very high energy. This makes them easily portable from one place to another.
  • They are good in ambient temperature.
  • Another major attribute of Neodymium magnets that has added to their popularity is the affordability factor. Neodymium magnets, unlike previous high strength magnets like tiny cobalt-samarium magnets, are priced very low and can be afforded by educators and experimenters on their limited budgets.
  • Neodymium magnets are very corrosive and hence have to be handled carefully. It is best to coat them for long-term maximum energy output and usage.
  • Neodymium magnets have a low working temperature for heat applications and can catch fire at high temperatures.