
  1. Kitabu Kifisia
  2. Kitabullah
  3. Kitabusse

The Lost of a Brother/Friend

Bob and me on the grounds of Rainbow Ridge Publishing House. There are brothers born of the blood and brothers born of the spirit. Robert Friedman, Bob, was my brother born of the spirit. We referred to each other as 'brothers from different mothers.' On January 7, 2019, I received an email informing...

Kitabu hiki kina jina la mmoja wa manabii maarufu kabisa wa Waisraeli. Isaya alifanya huduma yake ya kinabii kuanzia mwaka wa 750 hadi 700 K.K. Kitabu hiki kina mahubiri ambayo yanalenga muda mrefu wa karibu miaka 300. English words for kitabu include book, handbook, overbook, passbook, songbook, bookishness and booklover. Find more Swahili words at!

The Seeds of Hatred

  1. Wakuu JF ni chuo cha maarifa makubwa maana kumejaa ma-GT,katika pitapita zangu nimekutana na historia kwa ufupi kuhusu kitabu hiki 'History of the necronomicon'ambacho kinasemekana ni kitabu hatari sana. Sasa naomba wajuzi wa mambo waje kutufumbua macho tusiojua juu ya kitabu hiki kina siri.
  2. Indeed, in Pygmy Kitabu, Hallet spends considerable time essentially proving that the African legends are their own homegrown stories, possibly representing the earliest such traditions still extant anywhere in the world. Acharya S (The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold, Suns of God: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled, The.

Comforting words. You can tell what kind of seeds were buried in the ground by what kind of crop comes up. Thoughts are seeds. You can tell the prevailing thoughts of a person by the kind of action they produce. In the last few days, we have witnessed the unmistakable crop of hatred spreading its...

' width=140 alt='Dr. Joe C. Brown: The Sword of The Red Dragon' />

Dr. Joe C. Brown: The Sword of The Red Dragon

Master Joe C. Brown presents his legendary sword to Kitabu Roshi. This was an unexpected gift, filled with significance. Dr. Joe C. Brown:Sword of a Red Dragon 'You can kill the body but not the soul.' There are many factors that shape our lives, and many different people who nudge us...

The Spiritual Warrior Beyond Martial Arts/with Bully Proof Video

'The Ocean of The Spirit permeates all things. The Sword of The Spirit is Faith' ] Read More →

Mother-Love:The Healing Power of a Gentle Voice and a Tender Embrace

The divine nature of love may seem to be a feminine power but the expression of it must transcend gender. In our youth we have witnessed cool detachment, diminished respect for elders and authorities, and a studied interest in violence, often played out as fantasy but too often expressed in...

Ellen Okaree Byrd: “A Woman was born today.”

When a close friend or other loves ones die it is not a time to be stoic. It is a time to remember them and express your true feelings. That is a good thing. The year 1975 was truly unforgettable for me for two different reasons. It marked the publication of my first book, a collection of poems entitled,...


The Way of Christ

KitabuBABY JESUS: The Word Made Flesh

Artwork by Sabine KleftogiannisFor those of us not blinded by the commercial bent of Christmas,...

Jesus Christ: The overcomer

He overcame death. We are going through a difficult time in the world today. We are reminded of the...

THE CHRIST CHILD: Gift to the world

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Inspirational Radio

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I was recently a guest on The Science of Magic radio show with Gwilda Wiyaka. Here is a link to that...

Kitabu Roshi on Sancit Podcast with Aron O’dowd

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Imagine Peace: The Lord can make it real in you.

Human beings have the power to imagine anything then attract the means to pull so many of those...

Our Online Store

“Mind Like Water” video: Roshi live before expert and master Martial artists.

Talk is not good enough. See the full experience on the video and more. A MIND LIKE WATER/Video Despite the teachings of Semantics,...

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From an Amazon Customer's reviews: This is an incredible book by a profound author. At first I picked it up because I enjoyed...

Personal Consultation with Kitabu Roshi/Booking Agency

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The Kitabu'l-Asmáʼ or Book of Divine Names (also known as the Chahar Shaʻn (The [Book of the] Four Grades))[1] is a book written by the Báb, the founder of Bábi religion, in Arabic[2] during his imprisonment in Máh-Kú and Chihriq in Iran (1847-1850). With a total volume of more than 3,000 pages, it is the largest revealed scripture in religious history.[3] Stephen Lambden describes the Kitabu'l-Asmáʼ as 'one of the most theologically weighty or important writings of the Bab'.[4]

At least twenty-six manuscripts exist,[1][5] and much of the text has not yet been located.[3] Some extracts are available in English in the volume Selections from the Writings of the Báb.[2]


The text is divided in nineteen unities (Vahid) and 361 gates (Báb; chapters).[3] and consists largely of 'lengthy variations of invocations of the names of God'.[2] Each name is discussed in four different parts, each part written in a different 'mode of revelation':[6] divine verses, prayers, commentaries, and rational arguments.[7] The 361 chapters symbolize 'all things' (Kull-i-Shayʼ) and the days of the year of the Badi' calendar.[8] Where the materials about the calendar are located in the Kitabu'l-Asmáʼ needs further research.[1]

The Báb gives explanations about many divine names and attributes[6] and describes how humanity can be spiritualized by recognizing the Manifestation of God.[3]


'Be lovingly watchful of one another and thus improve your affairs. Should ye find amongst you one who is afflicted with grief, remove his sorrow by any means in your power, and should ye find one stricken with poverty, enrich him to the extent of your ability. If ye find in your midst one who is abased, exalt him to the extent ye can, and if ye find one who is veiled by ignorance, educate him to the degree of your capacity. Should ye find amongst yourselves one who is single, help him to marry, in accordance with the divine law, to the limits of your ability, and should ye find one who is in distress, bring him tranquility by any means in your power. . . . Gaze upon others with the same eyes with which ye gaze upon your own selves. . . . If ye find in your midst one who is hungry, send him, in truth and to the extent of your power, food in such a way that his heart will not be saddened, and if ye find one who has no clothes, provide him with clothes in the most dignified manner, to the extent possible for you. Look then not at your selves and your possessions, but rather look at God, Who hath created you and conferred upon you from His kingdom that which is your lot.' (29:423-24, Provisional translation by Nader Saiedi ) [9]

'Say: God verily cultivateth on earth, as He pleaseth, at His bidding. Will ye not behold? Think ye that ye are the sowers? Say: Glorified be God! We are, verily, the Cultivators. Say: Gaze then not upon any one save even as ye behold the most exalted of the renowned amongst you. Verily that which I attest with regard to both the rulers and the peasants amongst you, is the same thing: all have arisen at the bidding of God.' (29:383-86, Provisional translation by Nader Saiedi ) [10]


  1. ^ abcLambden, Stephen (2018). Kitab al-asma' - The Book of Names.
  2. ^ abcSmith, Peter (2000). 'Names, Book of'. A concise encyclopedia of the Baháʼí Faith. Oxford: Oneworld Publications. p. 258. ISBN1-85168-184-1.
  3. ^ abcdSaiedi 2008, pp. 36
  4. ^Lambden, Stephen. The Kitab al-asma'
  5. ^Denis MacEoin (1992). The Sources for Early Bābī Doctrine and History. Leiden: Brill. pp. 91–92. ISBN90-04-09462-8.
  6. ^ abSaiedi 2008, pp. 45
  7. ^Saiedi 2008, pp. 337
  8. ^Saiedi 2008, pp. 336
  9. ^Saiedi 2008, pp. 323
  10. ^Saiedi 2008, pp. 81


  • Saiedi, Nader (2008). Gate of the Heart. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press. ISBN978-1-55458-035-4.

Kitabu Kifisia

Further reading[edit]



  • The Báb (1976). Selections from the Writings of the Báb. Wilmette, Illinois, USA: Baháʼí Publishing Trust. pp. 129–149. ISBN1-931847-30-4.CS1 maint: discouraged parameter (link)

External links[edit]

Online manuscripts (only a fraction of the size of the complete work):

  • Kitabu'l-Asma' (2010; 481 pages)
  • Kitab-i-Asma' (2005; 481 pages)
  • INBA, Vol. 29 Tablets of the Bab - 'The book of Names - Kitab-i-Asma' (336 pages)
  • Kitab al-asma' I - The Book of Names or Chahar Shaʻn (The Book of the Four Grades), of Sayyid ʻAli Muhammad, the Bab (d. Tabriz 1850).


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