Hematology Calculators

ASH has developed a series of brief, evidence-based pocket guides to help physicians provide quality care to patients. The guides cover such topics as thrombocytopenia in pregnancy, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, red blood cell transfusion, anticoagulant dosing and management, and von Willebrand disease.

  1. Platelet Count Calculation Hematology
  2. Hematology Calculator
  3. Hematology Calculator

The pocket guides are available as a mobile application for iOS and Android devices and as a mobile-friendly website. Free printed copies are also available to order.

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HEMATOLOGY DIAGNOSTICS. Sysmex is a global leader in clinical hematology analyzers, information systems and services. Our hematology analyzers meet the high standards clinical laboratories expect and require. Each analyzer with the Sysmex name is designed and manufactured by Sysmex. Calculate by QxMD provides free decision support tools and medical calculators for web, iOS and Android. Hematology calculators. Blood Volume Calculation. Cryoprecipitate Dosing for Fibrinogen Replacement. Donor Lymphocyte Infusion (DLI) Volume. Mentzer Index for Thalassemia. Predicting Risk of Severe Complications in a child with Sickle cell disease (Miller et al) Sickle Cell RBC Exchange Volume. The table below summarizes the three parameters to include definition, reporting units, formulas for calculation of each parameter, and a sample calculation. MCV refers to the average size of the RBCs constituting the sample.Some hematology instruments measure MCV directly and derive hematocrit rather than calculating MCV from a measured.

Get interactive versions of all the Society's clinical pocket guides right on your iOS or Android device. In addition to the pocket guides content, the app includes tools to aid in clinical decision making, including: bleeding score and 4Ts calculators; calculators for initial and chronic warfarin dosing; and interactive algorithms for the diagnosis and management of HIT and VWD.

View the Pocket Guides App on the Web

CalculatorsHematology calculators blood

The pocket guides mobile app is also available as a mobile-friendly website. Please note: An active internet connection is required for web access.

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Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)

Management of Anticoagulation Therapy
This pocket guide includes key recommendations from the American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: optimal management of anticoagulation therapy, published in Blood Advances.

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Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) in the Context of Pregnancy
This pocket guide includes key recommendations from the American Society of Hematology 2018 guidelines for management of venous thromboembolism: venous thromboembolism in the context of pregnancy, available in Blood Advances.

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Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
This pocket guide includes key recommendations on the diagnosis and management of HIT from the 2018 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of VTE: HIT, published in Blood Advances.

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Sickle Cell Disease

Cardiopulmonary and Kidney Disease in Sickle Cell Disease: Screening and Management

This pocket guide includes key recommendations from the American Society of Hematology 2019 guidelines for sickle cell disease: cardiopulmonary and kidney disease, available soon in Blood Advances.

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Management of Acute Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
Presented by ASH in 2014, adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Evidence Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Expert Panel Report, 2014

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Health Maintenance and Management of Chronic Complications of Sickle Cell Disease
Presented by ASH in 2014, adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Evidence Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Expert Panel Report, 2014

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Hydroxyurea and Transfusion Therapy for the Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease
Presented by ASH in 2014, adapted from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Evidence Based Management of Sickle Cell Disease: Expert Panel Report, 2014

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Management of Anticoagulation Therapy (ITP)
This pocket guide includes key recommendations from the American Society of Hematology 2019 guideline for immune thrombocytopenia, available soon Blood Advances

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Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT)
This pocket guide includes key recommendations on the diagnosis and management of HIT from the 2018 American Society of Hematology (ASH) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Management of VTE: HIT, published in Blood Advances..

Platelet Count Calculation Hematology

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Hematology Calculators

Thrombocytopenia in Pregnancy
Presented by ASH in 2013, adapted from Gernsheimer T, James AH, Stasi R, How I treat thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Blood. 2013;121(1):38-47; The ASH 2011 evidence-based practice guideline for immune thrombocytopenia; and other sources

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Hematology calculator


Initial Diagnostic Workup of Acute Leukemia
Presented by ASH and the College of American Pathology (CAP) in 2017, adapted from Initial diagnostic workup of acute leukemia: guideline from the College of American Pathologists and the American Society of Hematology. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 2017.

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Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS)
Presented by ASH in 2016, adapted in part from Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering (asymptomatic) multiple myeloma: International Myeloma Working Group consensus perspective risk factors for progression and guidelines for monitoring and management. Leukemia. 2010;24:1121-1127


Red Blood Cell Transfusion
Presented by ASH in 2016, adapted in part from Clinical Practice Guidelines From the AABB: Red Blood Cell Transfusion Thresholds and Storage. JAMA. 2016;316(19):2025-2035

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Hematology Calculator

Von Willebrand Disease

von Willebrand Disease
Presented by ASH in 2012, adapted from: The diagnosis, evaluation, and management of von Willebrand Disease. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH Pub.No. 08-5832. December, 2007.

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All Pocket Guides

Order a printed copy of each of the currently available ASH pocket guides.

To see a list of conflicts of interest for all pocket guide authors, please click here.

An online prothrombin time to international normalized ratio (INR) calculator to find the INR ratio based on the prothrombin time of the patient. Enter the PTpatient and PTnormal and ISI (International Sensitivity Index) to know the ratio.

An online prothrombin time to international normalized ratio (INR) calculator to find the INR ratio based on the prothrombin time of the patient. Enter the PTpatient and PTnormal and ISI (International Sensitivity Index) to know the ratio.


INR = (PTpatient/PTnormal)ISIWhere, PTpatient = Patient's Measure PT (seconds) PTPTnormal = Laboratory's Geometric Mean Value for Normal Patients (seconds) ISI = International Sensitivity Index

Try this online prothrombin time to international normalized ratio (INR) calculator to do quick calculations on INR determining.Prothrombin:Prothrombin is a plasma protein produced in the liver in the presence of vitamin K and converted into thrombin, which is the essential enzyme in the clotting of blood.
Prothrombin Time:The prothrombin time (PT) is a test used to help diagnose bleeding or clotting disorders. The prothrombin time (PT or pro-time) is the actual time calculation, measured in seconds, for an anti-coagulated sample of plasma or whole blood to clot after it is added to a thermoplastic reagent. A prothrombin time test tells you how long it takes your blood to clot.
International Normalized Ratio (INR):International Normalized Ratio (INR), also known as Prothrombin Time (PTnormal) is a system for reporting the results of blood coagulation tests. INR calculation is based on the results of PT test that is used to monitor treatment with the blood-thinning medication warfarin. International normalized ratio (INR) is a calculation made to standardize prothrombin time.
International Sensitivity Index:International Sensitivity Index (ISI) is a value assigned by the manufacturers for the tissue factors they manufacture. The ISI value indicates how a particular batch of tissue factor compares to an international reference tissue factor. The ISI is usually between 0.94 and 1.4 for more sensitive and 2.0-3.0 for less sensitive thromboplastins.
You can just enter the required inputs in this online INR calculator to get the results within the fractions of seconds.

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