Daily Zen Meditation

Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is a Buddhist monastery that offers daily Zen meditation, weekly dharma talks, and programs on Buddhist teachings, Buddhist art, neuroscience, and social engagement. We also offer professional training for end-of-life-care and Buddhist chaplaincy. Learn More »

Daily Zen Meditation
  • Mindfulness, meditation, self mastery. By Charlie Ambler.
  • Meditation can be a very powerful daily habit and tool. I had the chance to meet Hinnerk Polenski a Zen Master who brought Japanese Zen to Europe and runs a.
  • Brighten your day with inspirational quotes from Zen, Buddhist, and Taoist classics. Enter the meditation hall, or send a Zen Card to a friend.
  • For years, scientists have studied how meditation affects the mind and the body. There has been some particular interest in Zen meditation practice and how it affects the brain. In a 2008 study, researchers compared 12 people who had more than three years of daily practice in Zen meditation with 12 novices who had never practiced meditation.

My Meditation Practice Total Length: 1 Hour and 25 minutes Sequence: Half Lotus (right leg on top) - 25 minutes Kinhin (walking m.

  • Upaya’s Residential Program

    Explore contemplative residency at Upaya, a renowned socially engaged Zen Buddhist center in Santa Fe, ...

  • BEING WITH DYING 2021: Online Clinician Training Program

    April 30 – May 2, join Roshi Joan Halifax, PhD; Anthony Back, MD; Cynda Hylton ...

What Is A Zen Meditation

Daily Zen Meditation
  • Upaya and the Circle of the Way Temple have been closed to the public since March 15.

    On Wearing Masks at Upaya

    You may have noticed that Upaya residents are not wearings masks in pictures and on our live-streams from the Zendo. Please know that we are in a strict isolation pod together, where no one leaves the Upaya grounds or interacts with anyone not in the pod, unless masked and at a safe distance outside. Under the expert supervision of our medical coordinator Dr. Wendy Lau, no member of our pod has had even a cold since we went into isolation on March 15th. We will continue to observe our strict rules of isolation for the duration of the pandemic, and deep thanks to you all for your care of and attention to the well-being of Upaya.

    For more information about our health and safety policies, please see our COVID Safety Protocol Page.

    Please join us for Online Zazen (7:00 a.m and 5:30 p.m. MT) and Wednesday Dharma Talks (5:30 p.m. MT), on Upaya Zen Center’s YouTube page.

We invite you to join us for our next Dharma Talk on Upaya’s Live Stream:

Wed, April 28 at 5:30 PM
Lama Rod Owens Bio / Info
Dharma Talk Schedule »
Daily Meditation Schedule »

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  • Membership

    Your support promotes programs focused on socially engaged Buddhism and compassionate action in our world today including teaching meditation in prisons, cooking for the homeless, medical work in Nepal, and training chaplains.

  • Sign Up For Our Newsletter

    Upaya's Weekly Newsletter is an excellent and free resource for articles on Zen, our programs, the latest news, Roshi's updates, resident profiles, our Zen meditation calendar, and Dharma Talks from Upaya faculty and resident priests.

  • Socially Engaged Buddhism

    Upaya Zen Center has a strong commitment to social service. This is the heart of our practice and is a way we can realize the Vows of the Bodhisattvas.

News, Essays & Dharma Talks

Zen Meaning

  • New Online Course — Compassion at the Edge: A Revolutionary Method for Benefitting Others without Burning Out

    In response to the great challenges we are facing at this time, Upaya is grateful to let you know that the content of the G.R.A.C.E.®...
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  • Latest Dharma Talk

    SESSHIN: The Perfection of Meditation (Part 3)
    On day three of the Spring 2021 sesshin, Sensei Al Kaszniak presents his views on chapter 8 of the Bodhicaryavatara, the Perfection of...

  • Socially Engaged Buddhism: The Path of Public Service

    In this Wednesday night Dharma Talk, Senator Tom Udall speaks about his last two decades in Congress. The support his meditation...
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What Is The Purpose Of Zen Meditation