
Using a Node Version Manager. There are a lot of different versions of Node out there. These tools will help you keep track of what version you are using, and also make it easy to install new versions and switch between them. After 1,5 years of developing FM Version we have decided to release the first version manager made specifically for FileMaker. We are excited to introduce other developers to FM Version and help them do what we like the most, building awesome software for great clients in a fun and controlled way while learning new skills along the way.

GNVM is simple multiple Node.js version manager on Windows by Go, like nvmnvmwnodist.


  • Single file, not dependent on any environment.

  • Direct use, no configuration.

  • Color stdout.

  • Support multiple download.

  • Built-in TAOBAO, convenient switching, also support custom.

  • Support NPM download / install.


  • 32-bit | 64-bit Host by

  • 32-bit | 64-bit Host by

  • For go user, please usage

    go get

  • For git user, please usage

    git clone

  • For curl user, usage

    curl -L -o gnvm.exe

    curl -L -o gnvm.exe


  • Not exist Node.js Environment

    Download and unzip gnvm.exe save to any local folder and add this folder to Environment Path.
  • Exist Node.js Environment

    Download and unzip gnvm.exe save to the same Node.js folder.


  • Run cmd and input gnvm version, if output print gnvm version, configuration is successful.


  • global current Node.js version.

  • latest latest Node.js version.

  • session current cmd Environment( temporary environment ).

  • .gnvmrcgnvm.exe configure file, can be auto created and it saved local/remote Node.js version information.

  • registrynode.exe download URL, default is DEFAULT, can be choose TAOBAO, and support custom url.

  • noderoot global Node.js path.

Getting Started

gnvm.exe is a single exe file, don't need to configure, direct usage.
Version manager serena
Change fast registry
gnvm.exe built-in DEFAULT and TAOBAO two registry.
Install multiple Node.js
Version manager web client
Install any Node.js version include: automatic recognition of latest version, io.js version and specified arch, e.g. x.xx.xx-x64.
Uninstall local Node.js version
Usage any local Node.js version
List all local Node.js versions
Update local Node.js latest version
Install npm
gnvm support install npm, download npm latest version, usage gnvm npm latest.
Search Node.js version from .gnvmrc registry

Version Manager Serena

you can usage * or /regxp/, e.g. gnvm search 5.*.* or gnvm search /.10./ .


1. Not exist Node.js Environment and download Node.js latest version and usage it.
2. Update local Node.js latest version.
3. See Node.js global and latest version.
4. Verify config registry.
5. Local not exist npm and install local Node.js version matching npm version.
Install latest npm version.


Version Manager Software


  • Auto Upgrade, usage gnvm upgrad.

  • Add gnvm.exe to Chocolatey.

Version manager exeVersionsManager


  • Icon

  • Theme reference You-Get.

Version Manager Web Client Configuration

GNVM - Node.js version manager on Windows by Go © 2014-2016 by Kenshin Wang