DocFX supports DocFX Flavored Markdown
, aka DFM. It supports all GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax and compatible with CommonMark. Also, DFM adds new syntax to support additional functionalities, including cross reference and file inclusion.
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- The javadoc command parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Java source files and produces a corresponding set of HTML pages.
- I spent some spare time this week creating a mash up of sorts. A 'markdown' do.
- Java TileLayer - 26 examples found. These are the top rated real world Java examples of org.geowebcache.layer.TileLayer extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve.
The default markdown engine generated by docfx init
has been switched to markdig engine, which is built on the top of markdig. Previous markdown engine dfm
and dfm-latest
will be kept for compatibiilty.
Yaml Header
Yaml header in DFM is considered as the metadata for the Markdown file. It will transform to yamlheader
tag when processed.Yaml header MUST be the first thing in the file and MUST take the form of valid YAML set between triple-dashed lines. Here is a basic example:
Cross Reference
Cross reference allows you to link to another topic by using its unique identifier (called UID) instead of using its file path.
For conceptual Markdown files UID can be defined by adding a uid
metadata in YAML header:
For reference topics, UIDs are auto generated from source code and can be found in generated YAML files.
You can use one of the following syntax to cross reference a topic with UID defined:
- Markdown link:
- Auto link:
- Shorthand form:
All will render to:
If link_text
is not specified, DocFX will extract the title from the target topic and use it as the link text.
Do not use the @uid
link in brackets (like this: (@uid)
). DocFX cannot parse this link. The @uid
link should be separated with white spaces. If you need to add a link in brackets, use [](xref:uid)
Hashtag in xref
is always treated as separator between file name and anchor name. That means if you have #
in UID, it hasto be encoded to %23
Actually xref
format follows URI standard so all reserved characters should be encoded.
For more information, see cross reference.
File Inclusion
DFM adds syntax to include other file parts into current file, the included file will also be considered as in DFM syntax.
There are two types of file inclusion: Inline and block, as similar to inline code span and block code.
YAML header is NOT supported when the file is an inclusion.
Inline file inclusion is in the following syntax, in which <title>
stands for the title of the included file, and <filepath>
stands for the file path of the included file. The file path can be either absolute or relative.<filepath>
can be wrapped by '
or '
For inline file inclusion, the file included will be considered as containing only inline tags, for example,### header
inside the file will not transfer since <h3>
is a block tag, while [a](b)
will transform to<a href='b'>a</a>
since <a>
is an inline tag.Also, ending white spaces will be trimmed, considering ending white spaces in inline inclusion in most cases are typos.
Block file inclusion must be in a single line and with no prefix characters before the start [
. Content inside the included file will transform using DFM syntax.
Section definition
User may need to define section. Mostly used for code table.Give an example below.
The above blockquote Markdown text will transform to section html as in the following:
Code Snippet
Allows you to insert code with code language specified. The content of specified code path will expand.
can be made up of any number of character and '-'. However, the recommended value should follow Highlight.js language names and aliases.<codepath>
is the path relative to the file containing this markdown content in file system, which indicates the code snippet file that you want to expand.<queryoption>
are used together to retrieve part of the code snippet file in the line range or tag name way. We have 2 query string options to represent these two ways:
query string using # | query string using ? | |
1. line range | #L{startlinenumber}-L{endlinenumber} | ?start={startlinenumber}&end={endlinenumber} |
2. tagname | #{tagname} | ?name={tagname} |
3. multiple region range | Unsupported | ?range={rangequerystring} |
4. highlight lines | Unsupported | ?highlight={rangequerystring} |
5. dedent | Unsupported | ?dedent={dedentlength} |
- In
query string, the whole file will be included if none of the first three option is specified. - If
isn't specified, the maximum common indent will be trimmed automatically. <title>
can be omitted as it doesn't affect the DocFX markup result, but it can beautify the result of other Markdown engine, like GitHub Preview.
Code Snippet Sample
Tag Name Representation in Code Snippet Source File
DFM currently supports the following <language>
values to be able to retrieve by tag name:
- C family
- Start with:
// <{name}>
- End with:
// </{name}>
- Languages:actionscript,arduino,assembly (alias: nasm),c (alias: cpp, c++, objective-c, obj-c, objc, objectivec),csharp (alias: cs),cshtml,cuda,d (alias: dlang),fsharp (alias: fs),go (alias: golang),java,javascript (alias: js, node),pascal,php,processing,rust,scala,smalltalk,swift,typescript (alias: ts)
- File,.asm,.ino,.c,.cc,.cpp,.cs,,.cuh,.d,.fs,.fsi,.fsx,.go,.h,.hpp,.java,.js,.pas,.php,.pde,.rs,.scala,.st,.swift,.ts
- Start with:
- Basic family
- Start with:
' <{name}>
- End with:
' </{name}>
- Languages:vb,vbhtml,vbnet,vbscript
- File extensions:.bas,.vb,.vba,.vbhtml,.vbs
- Start with:
- Markup language family
- Start with:
<!-- <{name}> -->
- End with:
<!-- </{name}> -->
- Languages:cshtml,html,vbhtml,wsdl,xml,xsl,xslt,xsd,xaml
- File extensions:.asp,.aspx,.csdl,.cshtml,.edmx,.jsp,.vbhtml,.wsdl,.xaml,.xml,.xsd,.xsl,.xslt,.html
- Start with:
- Sql family
- Start with:
-- <{name}>
- End with:
-- </{name}>
- Languages:sql
- File extensions:.sql
- Start with:
- Script family
- Start with:
# <{name}>
- End with:
# </{name}>
- Languages:perl,powershell (alias: posh),python,r,ruby (alias: ru),shell (alias: sh, bash)
- File extensions:.bash,.pl,.ps1,.py,.r,.ru,.ruby,.sh
- Start with:
- Special language
- batchfile
- Start with:
rem <{name}>
- End with:
rem </{name}>
- Languages:batchfile
- File extensions:.bat.cmd
- Start with:
- csharp
- Start with:
#region {name}
- End with:
- Languages:csharp (alias: cs)
- File extensions:.cs.cshtml
- Start with:
- erlang
- Start with:
% <{name}>
- End with:
% </{name}>
- Languages:erlang
- File extensions:.erl
- Start with:
- haskell
- Start with:
-- <{name}>
- End with:
-- </{name}>
- Languages:haskell
- File extensions:.hs
- Start with:
- matlab
- Start with:
% <{name}>
- End with:
% </{name}>
- Languages:matlab
- File extensions:.matlab
- Start with:
- lisp
- Start with:
; <{name}>
- End with:
; </{name}>
- Languages:lisp
- File extensions:.lisp,.lsp
- Start with:
- lua
- Start with:
-- <{name}>
- End with:
-- </{name}>
- Languages:lua
- File extensions:.lua
- Start with:
- vb
- Start with:
#Region {name}
- End with:
#End Region
- Languages:vb (alias: vbnet)
- File extensions:.vb.vbhtml
- Start with:
- batchfile
If dev-lang is not specified, file extension will be used to determine the language.
Code Snippet for Jupyter Notebooks
Allows you to insert code from a code cell of a Jupyter Notebook. The source
content in the specified code cell will expand.
Steps to use this:
In your Jupyter Notebook, add metadata to the code cell you will reference:
In your .md file, use
to identify the cell.
Code Snippet for Jupyter Notebooks Sample
For this Jupyter Notebook cell:
Use the markup:
to display the lines of code in the source
part of the cell:
Note (Warning/Tip/Important)
Using specific syntax inside block quote to indicate the following content is Note.
The above content will be transformed to the following html:
Here are all the supported note types with the styling of the default theme applied:
This is a note which needs your attention, but it's not super important.
This is a note which needs your attention, but it's not super important.
This is a warning containing some important message.
This is a warning containing some important message.
This is a warning containing some important message.
Tabbed content
Javadoc Markdown Eclipse
- Start a tab by a special markdown title (any level).
- Title content should be a markdown link.
- Link target is
- Continue by any other content.
- End by a markdown hr.
The result will be:
Tab group 1:
Tab content-1-1.
Tab content-2-1.
Tab group 2:
Tab content-a-1.
Tab content-b-1.
Tab group 3:
Tab content-1-1.
Tab content-2-1.
Tab group 4:
Tab content-a-2.
Tab content-b-2.
Tab groups with a same set of id are linkable in one page.
In example, tab group 1, 3 have same id set: tabid-1
, tabid-2
, tab group 2, 4 have same id set: tabid-a
, tabid-b
So tab group 1, 3 are linked, tab group 2, 4 are linked.When tab tabid-1
in tab group 1 is clicked, tab tabid-1
in tab group 3 will be selected in same time.But tab group 2, 4 do not have any changed.
Condition is the tab id of other table groups.
Tab Group 1:
Tab Group 2:
Tab content-a for 1.
Tab content-a for 2.
Tab content-b for 1.
Tab content-b for 2.
When select tabid-1
in tab group 1, you can get content-a or content-b for 1 in group 2.
When select tabid-2
in tab group 1, you can get content-a or content-b for 2 in group 2.
Allows you to add videos to your topics.
Intellij Javadoc Markdown
You must provide the embed uri of the video you wish to add to your topic.
Differences introduced by DFM syntax
Javadoc Markdown File
DFM introduces more syntax to support more functionalities. When GFM does not support them, preview theMarkdown file inside GFM Preview can lead to different results.
YAML header
In GFM, YAML header must start at the very beginning of the Markdown file.In DFM, YAML header contains more powerful meanings. Refer to Yaml Header for details.
In GFM, it would be rendered as <hr>a: b<hr>
In DFM, it would be rendered as a YAML header.
If you want to get <hr>
in html in DFM, use:
or change content to make it not in YAML format:
Text after block extension
Some block extension in DFM cannot be recognized in GFM.In GFM, it would be treated as a part of paragraph.Then, following content would be treated as a part of paragraph.
For example:
In GFM, it will be rendered as a paragraph with content [!NOTE] This is code.
in blockquote.
In DFM, it will be rendered as a code in note.
Items will be subject to a regular markdown schedule every 30 days. — Товары будут уцениваться каждые 30 дней.
The greatest markdown is 45%. — Самая большая скидка составляет 45%.
* * *
1) снижение цены акции или облигации для привлечения покупателей или сдерживания продавцов, стимулирования торговли (часто как реакция на поступление той или иной информации);2) снижение оценочной стоимости ценных бумаг в инвестиционном портфеле при снижении их рыночной стоимости;3) снижение первоначальной розничной продажной цены товара;см.markon;4) комиссия, взимаемая дилером с клиента при продаже последним ценных бумаг на внебиржевом рынке (обычно 5% от первоначальной продажной цены в США); при покупке у дилера будет взиматься надбавка;см.markup.
Javadoc Markdown Manager
..Словарь экономических терминов.Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Смотреть что такое 'markdown' в других словарях:
Markdown — is a lightweight markup language, originally created by John Gruber and Aaron Swartz allowing people to write using an easy to read, easy to write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML (or HTML) .[1] The language takes… … Wikipedia
Markdown — (маркдаун) облегчённый язык разметки. Первоначально создан Джоном Грубером (англ. John Gruber) и Аароном Шварцем, целью которых являлось создание максимально удобочитаемого и удобного в публикации облегчённого языка разметки. Многие… … Википедия
Markdown — es un lenguaje de marcado ligero creado originalmente por John Gruber [1] y Aaron Swartz [2] que trata de conseguir la máxima legibilidad y publicabilidad tanto en sus forma de entrada como de salida, inspirándose muchas convenciones existentes… … Wikipedia Español
Markdown — ist eine vereinfachte Auszeichnungssprache, die von John Gruber und Aaron Swartz entworfen wurde. Ein Ziel von Markdown ist, dass schon die Ausgangsform ohne weitere Konvertierung leicht lesbar ist. Als Auszeichnungselemente wurden daher vor… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Markdown — est un langage de balisage léger créé par John Gruber et Aaron Swartz. Le but de la syntaxe Markdown est d offrir une syntaxe facile à lire et à écrire. C est à dire qu un document formaté selon Markdown devrait pouvoir être publié comme tel, en… … Wikipédia en Français
Markdown — Markdown refers to the amount of money that a buyer is given in order to mark down items to clear them out of their stock. Sometimes the buyer will ask the manufacturer for markdown money to clear out stock of that particular vendor s… … Historical Dictionary of the Fashion Industry
markdown — index discount, rebate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
markdown — ☆ markdown [märk′doun΄ ] n. 1. a marking for sale at a reduced price 2. the amount of reduction in price … English World dictionary
markdown — The amount subtracted from the selling price of securities when they are sold to a dealer in the OTC market. Also, the discounted price of municipal bonds after the market has shown little interest in the issue at the original price. Bloomberg… … Financial and business terms
markdown — mark|down [ˈma:kdaun US ˈma:rk ] n a reduction in the price of something markdown of ▪ a markdown of 15% … Dictionary of contemporary English
markdown — UK [ˈmɑː(r)kˌdaʊn] / US [ˈmɑrkˌdaʊn] noun [countable] Word forms markdown : singular markdown plural markdowns a reduction in the price of something … English dictionary
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