Dockerfile Cheat Sheet

Docker Cheat Sheet Build Build an image from the Dockerfile in the current directory and tag the image docker build -t myimage:1.0. List all images that are locally stored with the Docker Engine docker image ls Delete an image from the local image store docker image rm alpine:3.4 Share Run Run a container from the Alpine version 3.9. Run containers Docker command: docker run options image-name command arg Example: Running a container from the image alpine. Docker run image-name docker run image-name command docker run image-name command arg docker run alpine docker run alpine ls docker run alpine ping Common options: Remove the container when it exits Give the container a name Allocate a terminal. Docker is an increasingly popular tool designed to make it easier to create, deploy and run applications within a container. We recently published an article – Data Scientist guide for getting started with Docker – which hopefully laid out some of the basics. As we have done in the past with SQL, Python Regular Expressions and many others, we thought it would be useful to have a.

In this article, We are going to cover Docker command cheat sheet in Image format , Docker compose commands cheat sheet and Docker commands cheat sheet pdf.

Table of Contents

Docker Lifecycle Commands

Below are some commonly used Docker Basic commands you will use frequently.

1) docker – To check all available Docker Commands

2) docker version – To show Docker version

3) docker info – Displays system wide information

4) docker pull – To pull the docker Images from Docker Hub Repository

5) docker build – To Docker Image from Dockerfile

6) docker run – Run a container from a docker image.

7) docker commit – To commit a changes in container file OR create new Docker Image

8) docker ps – List all the running containers. Add the -a flag to list all the containers.

9) docker start – To start a docker container

10) docker stop– To stop a docker container

11) docker logs -To view Logs for a Docker Container

12) docker rename – To rename Docker Container

13) docker rm – To remove the Docker Container, stop it first and then remove it

#1. Docker Image Commands

Docker Image is a application template including binaries and libraries needed to run a Docker container.

Below are some commonly used Docker Image commands while working with Docker.

1) docker build – To build Docker Image from Dockerfile

2. docker pull – To pull Docker Image from Docker Hub Registry

3. docker tag – To add Tag to Docker Image

4. docker images – To list Docker Images

5. docker push – To push Docker Images to repository

6. docker history – To show history of Docker Image

7. docker inspect– To show complete information in JSON format

Docker compose command cheat sheet

8. docker save – To save an existing Docker Image

9. docker import – Create Docker Image from Tarball

10. docker export – To export existing Docker container

11. docker load– To load Docker Image from file or archives

12. docker rmi– To remove docker images

#2. Docker Container Commands

1) docker start – To start a Docker container

2) docker stop – To stop a running docker container

3) docker restart – To restart docker container

4) docker pause – To pause a running container

5) docker unpause – To unpause a running container

6) docker run – Creates a docker container from docker image

7) docker ps – To list Docker containers

8) docker exec – To Access the shell of Docker Container

9) docker logs – To view logs of Docker container

10) docker rename – To rename Docker container

11) docker rm – To remove Docker container

12) docker inspect – Docker container info command

12) docker attach – Attach Terminal to Running container


12) docker kill – To stop and remove Docker containers

13) docker cp – To copy files or folders between a container and from local filesystem.

#3. Docker Compose Commands

Docker compose is used to run multiple containers in a single application.

Below are some commonly used docker compose command line you should know

1) docker-compose build – To build docker compose file

2) docker-compose up – To run docker compose file

3) docker-compose ls – To list docker images declared inside docker compose file

4) docker-compose start – To start containers which are already created using docker compose file

5) docker-compose run – To run one one of application inside docker-compose.yml

6) docker-compose rm – To remove docker containers from docker compose

7) docker-compose ps – To check docker container status from docker compose

#4. Docker Volume Commands

1) docker volume create – To create docker volume

2) docker volume inspect – To inspect docker volume

3) docker volume rm – To remove docker volume

#5. Docker Networking Commands

Dockerfile cheat sheet pdf

1) docker network create – To create docker network

2) docker network ls – To list docker networks

3) docker network inspect – To view network configuration details

#6. Docker Logs and Monitoring Commands

1) docker ps -a – To show running and stopped containers

2) docker logs – To show Docker container logs

3) docker events – To get all events of docker container

4) docker top – To show running process in docker container

5) docker stats – To check cpu, memory and network I/O usage

6) docker port – To show docker containers public ports

#7. Docker Prune Commands

Using Docker prune we can delete unused or dangling containers, Images , volumes and networks

To clean all resources which are dangling or not associated with any docker containers

docker system prune

Docker Command Cheat Sheet

To remove unused and stopped docker images

docker system prune -a

To remove Dangling Docker images

docker image prunedocker image prune -a

To remove all unused docker containers

docker container prune

To remove all unused docker volumes

docker volume prune

To remove all unused docker networks

Dockerfile Cheat Sheet Pdf

docker network prune

We have covered Docker command cheat sheet.

#8. Docker Hub Commands

To search docker image

Dockerfile Reference

docker search ubuntu

To pull image from docker hub

docker pull ubuntu

Push the Docker Image again

docker push fosstechnix/nodejsdocker

To logout from Docker Hub Registry

docker logout

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In this article, We have covered Docker command cheat sheet in Image format , Docker compose commands cheat sheet and Docker commands cheat sheet pdf.

Docker Cheat Sheet 2020

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